Author: Lyndsey Maiden

Cyngor Cymuned Llansadwrn Community Council

Expressions of interest are being sought from members of the public who are interested in representing their community on the aforementioned Community Council.  You must be over 18 years of age and meet at least one of the following criteria:

(a)        Registered as a local government elector for the area named above, or

(b)        During the whole of the last 12 months occupied as owner or tenant land or other premises in the community named above, or

(c)        your principal or place of work during the last 12 months had been in the community named above, or

(d)        you have during the whole of the last 12 months resided in the Community or within 4.8 kilometres

 Please contact a member of the Community Council, or email the Clerk:

Last Vestry Venture this year

this coming  Monday the 11thwill be our last Vestry this year  – and to say that even if they  have not been for a while, or have never come before, to please feel very welcome to join us between 3 and 5 pm for a glass of mulled wine and light refreshments, just for a catch up and to wish everyone a Happy Christmas……and that around 4.30pm there will be a 15 minute slot in the church to sing a carol, receive a  Christingle and hear a short Christmas story,  for those who wish to stay on.

Vestry Venture for all

The Vestry Venture came about as an idea to provide space where people of any age can informally meet together.  

Newcomers to the area are particularly welcome: it is also an opportunity to find out what is happening locally.  

Simple refreshments  are available for which there is no charge – although if you enjoy coming, contributions towards the cost of electricity are really helpful, and much valued.  

There are a few paperbacks to swop or share, and there is a safe play area for small children. From time to time there are items for sale such as plants or clothes.  

The vestry adjoins the church, and the entrance is usually indicated by Winnie the Pooh sitting on a chair outside, on a Monday afternoon – but if the wind and rain is very heavy, he sometimes disappears, usually having been bowled down the path……

We are closed during school holiday time but otherwise open on Mondays (re-starting  11th September),  3-5pm.

Please feel free to drop by one Monday, even if only for ten minutes – you will be most welcome.  Ideas how this venture might develop further are always appreciated.  

For further info please contact Liz on 01550 777220 or Jane on 07522 960816